During my Facebook Fast, I got to hear others' stories of their own fasts, whether it be from media, alcohol, food, or whatever else they decided to challenge themselves with. There were a variety of reasons behind their abstinence: weight loss, religion, proving a point, curiosity... It got me thinking of new ways to challenge myself (and if you've read my blog for a while, you know that's one of my favorite things to do!).
Since Adrenal Fatigue has been a major topic of conversation around the office lately (I've even decided to use it as the topic for our upcoming Dinner with the Doc) I've decided to do a 30 day Adrenal recharge. This includes eliminating those things that tax the adrenals (caffeine, sugar, alcohol) and reducing behaviors that tax the adrenals (activity that raises the heart rate over a certain range - for me that would be 135bpm, lack of sleep, eating after 8pm, excessive screen time). I have also decided to eliminate three of the most common allergens (soy, dairy, wheat), refined grains (white rice), and fried foods (not that I have ever eaten much of them) because these cause systemic inflammation which wears on the adrenals as well.
I started yesterday.
Some have already asked me, "What else is there to eat?!?"
Lots of wonderful foods!
Chicken, lean meats, fish, nuts (in moderation), all the veggies I can eat (preferably raw), fruit (in moderation), oats, millet, amaranth, brown rice, groats, sweet potatoes, eggs, coconut/almond/other alternative milks (unsweetened, of course), and assorted herbal teas. I'm also allowing myself the occasional kombucha for it's alkalizing benefits. Most importantly during this time is to eat a protein-rich breakfast and have protein at every meal. The Adrenal glands LOVE protein!!
I plan to make my best effort to be in bed no later than 10pm (obligations keep me from making it earlier but I will if possible) and limiting my screen time to average no more than two hours per day (that includes emails, YouTube, TV, Facebook, etc). I will also be taking an adrenal support supplement that I absolutely love!
Wish me luck! And, as usual, I'll keep you posted! ("Follow" to have the updates emailed directly to you.)
Yours in health and service,
Dr. Redmond
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