Wednesday, August 8, 2012

An increase in rice sensitivities??

I met up with some colleagues recently and they were discussing the increase in rice sensitivities in their patients.  They were discussing the possible reasons for this... Genetically modified foods?  A new pesticide?  Vaccines?  And I couldn't help but pipe up.

"Perhaps it's due to overexposure."

We become allergic to things we are overexposed to.  Foods we eat constantly, chemicals we're always around... And with so many of their patients avoiding wheat and dairy due to sensitivities (caused, again, by overexposure), what are they turning to? Rice milk, rice cream, rice flour, rice cakes and plain cooked rice...  More overexposure, new substance!  I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing to pop up is coconut, hemp, and all the other alternative grains like spelt, millet, and quinoa.  Humans are creatures of habit... often, when we find something that works, we keep going back to the same thing.  Cavemen couldn't do this since they had to eat what was available an in season.  Actually, up until the past 50 years or so, no one could do this because it just wasn't readily available.  Grocery stores have definitely changed with the times.

The real lesson we need to learn is to address current sensitivities to lesson the toxic load, and eat a VARIED diet!  "Everything in moderation;" even the "healthy" stuff. 

What foods do you find yourself eating constantly? 

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