Friday, December 21, 2012

The Last Announcements of 2012

Dearest Patients and Wellness Advocates,

I hope this holiday season is treating you well!  I know many of you received your special gift this week (and really hope you didn't have to use it yet!) and I'm glad it brought a smile.  After all, laughter is the best medicine!  Zack enjoyed playing Santa Paws as well (We know he loves lovin!  For a picture, check out Samsara Chiropractic's Facebook page!)

Some announcements:

First of all, a reminder that the office will be closed next week. (It's about time I take my own advice and take some vacation time! ;.) We will be in the office New Years' Eve from 10-1 but appointments are filling up fast, (I think we only have two left!) so call NOW! Normal hours will resume January 2nd.

Second, most insurance deductibles start over January 1st. Many patients are already pre-paying at the current rate to save in the new year but all pre-pays MUST be complete by January 1st. Don't miss out!

Third, I want to share some wonderful upcoming opportunities:

The next Dinner with the Doc is
 Tuesday, January 8th at 6:30pm at 
156 North Gaston Ave
"How To Kill The Common Cold!"
Learn how to stop a cold in it's tracks.  Learn what REALLY makes you sick and how to naturally bring your body back into balance.

Also, due to popular demand, we will be having an encore presentation of the movie, "Doctored" Saturday, January 19th at 3pm. 

Make sure to RSVP with the front desk for all events!  We need to know how many chairs to provide and we need to advise the wonderful folks at Social how much food they need for us!

Keep in mind that these events are included in the cost of your care, so I encourage you to take advantage of them!  I also know that many of you have friends or family that you have been trying to encourage to come see us. These events are a great opportunity for them to come and get their questions answered without any pressure or fees!  Our mission is to get our message out and provide care (and hope!) to those who need it.  I hope, since you were most likely in that place before finding us as well, that you will help us help them!

Finally, some of you are aware that I organize an organic produce co-op pick-up point around the corner from the office through Purple Dragon. There are currently a very limited number of openings, but if you know someone who might be interested in getting high quality, affordable, local when available, farm-fresh produce every two weeks, please have them contact me.  I've been a customer of theirs for over 15 years and have never been disappointed.

And on that note, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe!

Yours in health,
Dr. Redmond

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