Thursday, April 18, 2013

Is Neuroemotional Technique a permanent fix?

I am often asked if the results of NET are permanent. The answer is yes, but it needs some explanation.

The Neuroemotional Complex(NEC) (that which is cleared in the Neuroemotional Technique (NET) process) is like a homing device.  It sends out a signal, attracting into your life situations and people that will push you towards re-experiencing previous traumas (repetition compulsion) paving the way for reconciliation of the unresolved traumas in your life. In this way, you unconsciously create scenarios that allow you to play out the same drama over and over in different settings. When we clear the NEC, we eliminate the signal that calls these things into our lives.  We can still consciously choose to engage, but we now have enabled our free will again, thus allowing the situation to resolve peacefully, often with epiphanies that previously eluded us. Sometimes we are aware of these patterns and confounded at their chronic repetition, but other times, it takes a seasoned NET practitioner (or psychoanalyst, therapist, etc) to bring them to our attention.  However, whether we are aware of them or not, it does not alter the power they have over our lives, nor the amazing miracles that occur when they are released.  I have seen patients miraculously manifest cures, resolve quandaries, and make their wildest dreams come true within minutes with the resolution of an NEC... but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes, action needs to be part of the equation. (And sometimes, the NET process was the only action left to take.)

One thing is certain, NET creates permanent, positive change.  What you choose to do with it is up to you.

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