Two whole weeks. (check out my original post on this topic here)
It hasn't been as hard as I expected, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious what's going on in that world. And seeing my notifications creeping over 100 as I supervised Gianna posting on my business page made my hand very itchy to start clicking away with my mouse. But I restrained myself. A deal is a deal. And when I'm committed, I'm committed!
This week I have noted that I am not only more engaged in social situations, and more present in life in general, but I'm really feeling the love! I went to a few parties this past weekend and everyone was so happy to see me and curious what I had been up to... When I was constantly updating as to my whereabouts, no one felt the need to ask, and I didn't feel the need to share. Did I previously post everything that was going on in my life on Facebook? No. But it seemed like it to my "audience" at times, and what I wrote was what stuck in my head, so naturally, when people asked for an update, that was the first thing I thought of. I didn't even notice what that little, quiet, insecure part of me (a resident in most people's subconscious, I suspect) had been saying about that until this occurred. She was saying most people I knew didn't care or want to know! What a mistaken assumption! They just didn't feel the need to ask since they already KNEW! (That little voice can be such a pest sometimes, can't it?!)
My favorite realization of the past week, though, has been my energy and enthusiasm regarding the act of socializing itself! I had been feeling so burnt out and tired at the end of the day that I wasn't very interested in going out with friends. I felt like I needed so much "alone time." And at the same time, there was this vague, nagging feeling that seemed to resemble loneliness. I am pleased to announce that since leaving Facebook, that feeling is gone, and I am genuinely excited to go out with my friends again. I realize now that I was on social OVERLOAD. And I wasn't even seeing most of those people in real life! I still loved my friends, but after attending the Facebook "party" the majority of the day, my social reserves were spent. I guess it's simply another lesson in MODERATION.
In the meantime, and this couldn't come at a better time, I will be, yet again, participating in Chopra Center's 21-Day Meditation Challenge, and I encourage you to join me. Let's see what we can learn together. It starts Monday, but if you're a little late, don't worry! You can still get in! And it's completely FREE!
Whether it's taking a break from facebook, or starting a Meditation Challenge, I hope you're continuing to challenge yourself... What have you been up to this summer? Leave it in the comments below! Have you ever taken a break from social media or been tempted to? Or are you one of the ones who have fought to urge to even start with it? Share your thoughts!
Where is the "like" button? ;) Kiss the ninjas for me!
Ninja. Not plural...silly kindle!
Thank you, amazing job! This was the information I required.
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