Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Parents give us something to rise above..."

I often feel the need to remind my patients when we are releasing past hurts and patterns with Neuroemotional Technique that no parent is perfect.  Even "bad" parents are doing the best they can for themselves and their children.  They may be caught in their own illusions that convince them they are incapable of doing things differently, but they are still doing their best.  Don Miguel Ruiz, one of my favorite authors states,

"Your best is going to change from moment to moment. 
It will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick."

It's important to remember that no parent, or human being, for that matter, is perfect. And those imperfections effect us as we grow and learn and emulate those imperfect humans that raised us.  The important thing to remember is that we have a choice whether we are going to use that as an excuse to stay stuck in our childhood programming and ride along the path we feel has been created for ourselves, or to rise above our parents' humanity and be a better person for what they have taught us.

I challenge you to think of your parents' inevitable mistakes as something to rise above instead of fall victim to... after all, how boring would life be if everything was perfect?

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