I hear it so frequently: People asking if I can help a frozen shoulder/allergies/endometriosis/diabetes/ cancer/insert the name of your condition here. The answer is usually, "Yes."
It can seem like I claim to "cure" it all, and I get a lot of teasing about this amongst some of my less-informed friends and family. I forget sometimes that we don't all operate from a vitalistic perspective.
We are trained by the classic medical model, pharmaceutical advertising, and the media to believe that our bodies NEED something to heal. And in order to find out what they need, we need to determine the diagnosis.
This is a construct of the pharmaceutical industry. A drug causes an effect, the opposite of that effect is named as a disorder, and the drug is marketed to treat the disorder.
A holistic practitioner looks at things differently.
When I look at my patients, I see varying degrees of systemic inflammation manifesting itself in different ways. It's not about what the disorder is. The disorder is a judgement that the pharmaceutical, medical, and insurance worlds have created as a way to gain control and to quantify. They use it to determine how many visits are required, how many pills, how much surgery, and, when it all comes down to it, how much money it's going to cost/make them.
True recovery is really about how to restore balance (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical) so the body can function as it was designed. The majority of us come in to this world, fully equipped with what it takes to heal... the only things that stop us are those things that offset the balance. And with a balanced approach to healthcare, I truly believe ANYONE's health and functioning can be optimized.
Do I treat all those conditions?
I treat people. And as a result of receiving what they have been desperately craving, their symptoms resolve.
Such a simpler process than loading a body with chemicals or cutting it open, don't ya think?
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