Friday, September 21, 2012

The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us...

Not these kind of Zombies....

Or even these kind of Zombies...

What I'm referring to, are those folks that are so out of touch with BEING ALIVE that they don't even know what being truly alive feels like!

They are so brain-washed by advertising that they don't even know what real food tastes like anymore.  They are so used to numbing every sensation with chemicals, whether prescribed by an M.D. or self-dosed, pharmaceutical or recreational, that they don't even know what a normally functioning mind and body should feel like.  They are so used to plopping in front of the television that they have forgotten how to communicate, or even how refreshing it can be to go for a walk on the beach, or in the woods, or even around their own neighborhood.  They have no idea what it is to disconnect from technology, and connect with themselves and those around them.

So many of us are screen-hypnotized, caffeinated, sugar-addicted, pharmaceutically-manipulated, instant gratification-seeking ZOMBIES!


There is a world out there where it's possible to be blown away by the beauty that abounds.  Our bodies are capable of so much more than we give them credit for! Like the butterfly my mother just hatched from her garden, despite being seemingly dormant, amazing things continue to go on within our bodies and minds that we are unaware of on the surface, but if we break out of our self-imposed cocoon, miraculous things can happen. 

My best suggestion is to start small, but START.  Start making better choices.  Turn off the T.V.  Do something that scares you.  Start something new.  Try a new food. Talk to a stranger.  Charlie Tremendous Jones said, "You are the same today as you'll be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read."  Break out of that rut and do something different!  And if you're looking for companions on your journey, come to the Wellness Club or come to the Wellness Center for guidance.

What is one thing you are going to do to make yourself naturally feel more alive today?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE! Great thoughts!