Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Allergies eliminated overnight???

Back when I was a fledgling Neuroemotional Technique practitioner, not really sure if the technique itself could live up to it's claims, I had a patient show up late to her appointment. 

This was unusual since she was always on time.  She ran into my office, apologizing for her tardiness, explaining that she had to wait for the swelling in her eyes to go down so she could see to drive. "The what?!" I exclaimed.  This patient was young, vibrant, and healthy, and had never mentioned any such reaction before.  "The swelling," she stated matter-of-factly.  When I asked her to tell me more, she nonchalantly expressed how every morning, for years I might add, she would wake up with her eyes swollen shut.  "It's no big deal." 

"Are you kidding me?  No big deal?" I laughed incredulously.  If I woke up like that every morning, it would be a big deal to me!  In an effort to improve her quality of life any way I could, I tossed the option of NET out there... I had just taken my first seminar the previous weekend.  I told her I didn't know if it would work, but it was worth a shot.  She said she was game.

I checked her allergy point and found accumulated toxic stress.  Her body tested as needing the allergy remedy which I happened to pick up when I was at the seminar.  I gave her the bottle, adjusted her, and sent her on her way, not expecting much in the way of results.

I will never forget because the next morning was a Saturday... at 7am, my phone rang. "Is it supposed to work this fast?!?!?!"  For the first time in years, she woke up without swelling.  I was officially a believer.

We had one relapse a few months later, this time with accumulated emotional stress.  After a brief adjustment to reset her circuits, she was on her way.  That was 6 years ago, and she hasn't had allergies since.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! I love NET and your practice! I was just telling someone over the weekend to go to you. I have so much faith in your and your practice. I have ALWAYS walked out of there feeling like a ROCK STAR!!!!