Friday, April 22, 2011

When a canceled flight turns into an educational experience...

A healthy attitude is more important than a healthy body.

As a chiropractor, it may seem blasphemous to say such a thing, but the truth of the matter is, a healthy attitude is PARAMOUNT to having a healthy body!

Recently, I was traveling for a seminar, and my flight was canceled after first being delayed by about 4 hours.  The next available flight would be the following morning, which not only meant I would have to be up at 4am to get to the airport in time, but I would also miss half of one of the two days of a seminar I was traveling halfway across the country for.  I made a conscious choice not to get upset about it.  After all, there was nothing I could do to change it, and getting upset would just flood my system with stress hormones and increase my cardiovascular risk.  I amused myself while waiting in line, chatting with the other passengers and joking that this was just another story for my book... another adventure unfolding.  What could have been termed as a "complete nightmare" transpired as a pleasant exchange with some new acquaintances and a chance to slow down and enjoy the scenery.

It's important to remember that wellness is more than just how one treats their physical body, but also how one treats their emotional and spiritual body. Research has shown that not only does a positive mental attitude make a person more attractive, it also speeds recovery time and reduces overall illness. It even effects your pain tolerance! Taking time regularly to reflect on the way you approach and affect your world is imperative to having a truly fulfilling life. And finding a chuckle in the bumps along the way makes life far more fun!  After all, the worst disasters often turn into the most compelling tales...  Perhaps, the lessons I learned on my way to the seminar were even more valuable than those I learned while attending...  What kind of experiences have you made positive as a result of your own attitude shift?

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